More about HYCA
HYCA is the Hampshire Young Carers Alliance. We are a consortium of ten Young Carer projects who are all independent charities, working together under a memorandum of understanding, to serve Hampshire young carers - raising awareness, advocating and championing for these amazing young people.
Formed in 2005 the ten individual projects work closely together, sharing best practice & resources. From unified assessment processes, to utilising feedback, evaluation and improvement, the alliance works with key stakeholders to ensure the best for young carers and their needs.
Services for professionals
1. Training: If you are interested in knowing more about young carers and understanding their needs you can access HYCA training via the Hampshire Safeguarding Board Training:
2. Assemblies: If you would like an assemble in your school please contact your local project manager.
3. Face to face training: If you would like an INSET day training module or a presentation at a team meeting please contact your local project manager.
4. Schools Award: If you would like to know more about the Young Carers schools award and how your school can be more supportive.
““Thank you for allowing [YC’s] confidence to grow by him helping out as a young leader. We are very proud of him as he has these ideas and puts them into place himself. Young Carers has been the making of him, [YC] is loving attending the sessions and making new friends, something that he needs to do.””Hart & Rushmoor Young Carers
The role of the HYCA
On behalf of all young carers in Hampshire HYCA attends various county and national meetings to represent young carers. This may be helping organisations review their strategies for supporting and improving the lives of young carers or reviewing policy and practice or looking at how young carers smoothly transition into adult carers with appropriate support.
HYCA is currently reviewing its package for schools and looking at a 'Commitment to young carers charter'.
Each year/biennially HYCA draws together feedback from young carers across Hampshire to put together a young carers voices document. This is used to influence policy makers and funders to give greater support to young carers.
“As parents it is great to know my daughter is able to go to places that we'd struggle to access due to her brother's disability. It makes us feel less guilty about her missing out on things her peers and their families are able to do.”